Friday, December 5, 2008

‘Cancer isn’t going to win’

I have been writing in the blog for about 6 months now to keep friends and family updated. For me, this has had the feel of having a personal conversation with friends over coffee. Many people have encouraged me to expand my writing. With that in mind, I took a big breath and submitted a story to my local paper. I am happy to say that it was accepted and has been published. Here is the online link to the Maple Valley Reporter. I am out in the world now!

‘Cancer isn’t going to win’

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Dayna said...

Tracy I read your article in the Covington reporter and just wanted to let you know that I was 41 with two small kids when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time I got so discouraged as all I heard was about someone that died from it. Well I am here to let you know that on May 12th of this year I celebrated my 20th year of being a breast cancer survivor. You will be facing a long hard road but there is life at the end of that road so fight hard and never give up. Prayer got me through and I never get up without thanking God for another day. I will be praying for you and your journey. I have survived thyroid as well as breast cancer and know your fears so pray and fight hard and 20 years down the road you will be encouraging someone.

Annie Searle said...

Tracy, now let's get on with writing a whole book! The more people who can hear you and read you, the better off we will all be. You rock! --Annie

Anonymous said...

My Lovely wife, and the mother of our childeren. You have shown us so mutch strength and courage, what an amazing person you are. We are so lucky to have you as our mother and wife, and will be there to support you all the way!!!

Now, Lets get on with this book idea...

We love You~~~Larry Cailey Darci